No Way Back - Don Battley | Castle Publishing Ltd - Quality books with a positive message

No Way Back - Don Battley


A personal history of Charismatic Renewal in the New Zealand Anglican Church.

No Way Back is the heartfelt story of an Anglican priest deeply impacted by the charismatic movement as it swept through New Zealand in the late twentieth century.

Having lived through all the stages of the movement, Don Battley takes the reader inside the personal experiences of those enfolded in the excitement of a vibrant faith, and shows how they negotiated the tensions that arose within established Anglican culture.

It is a story of faith and enterprise; of young leaders seeking to renew their church and restore confident Christianity in a time of uncertainty; and of the hope that those leaders now hand on to a new generation.

This intimate memoir expresses the confidence that, in the face of opposition and changing times, God will never abandon the Church.

What They're Saying:

"Don Battley has written a compelling story of his life and ministry ... yet this is not the story of just one person's life and commitments... He has an eye for a clear narrative, and this book will be an invaluable starting point, that carefully conveys the story of a movement vastly greater in impact than some may care to acknowledge. Above all the story seems hopeful and optimistic to the end."
- From the foreword by Emeritus Professor Peter Lineham (Massey University)

About the Author:

   Don Battley holds a Licentiate of Theology, a Doctor of Ministry degree and a graduate diploma in historiography. Aside from numerous pastoral roles, he led Anglican Renewal Ministries for twenty years.

Printed book: NZ$29.95

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ISBN: 9780473487911 (Softcover), 9780473487928 (ePUB), 9780473487935 (Kindle)

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